Monday, 17 November 2008

Scratchy Scratchy

Baby pixie could sit on her hair ~ she can't now!

Her lasting memory of her first hair cut at the age of 8 and 3/4 will be her Mother taking a pair of kitchen scissors on a cold Sunday night and lobbing it all off then taking her to the late night Co-op and buying her a Beano ~ the reason for such action ~ only NITS ~ as I type I am scratching the top of my head and as you are reading this I bet you cannot contain yourself.

One was actually walking across her forehead and as they say in the North East she was lifting....

But not anymore Pixie here only phoned NHS Direct - well action was required, not that they were much help on the Nit front - but I did eventually get the address of an out of ours chemist which happened to be in the middle of the biggest drug den in the North East - well it would be wouldn't it ~ I did take son of Pixie to ride shot gun up front in my Beetle but in fairness he was useless and we did get lost on numerous occasions.

Task, however, was completed but as we got hopelessly lost I jumped out of the car and shouted excuse me excuse me you no one in particular and this kind man who had just popped out for a chicken fried rice took pity on us and we ended up in his car and her took us to the chemist, waited for us and brought us back to the car - there are nice people out there only when he asked what was the matter with Baby P ..........I couldn't do it ~ so we spent 5 minutes talking about chest infections ....I did have my fingers crossed.

Now go and have a scratch xxx


Maxine Perella said...

so ... you have nits???

Elise said...

I remember we got sent home from school once because a little girl had nits. It was such a good day. we went to the park and played on the swings...

That was my little experience with nits. So maybe you should go to the park?


Polgara said...

My hair used to reach the back of my knees...when i was 7 lol
I had to have it cut so i could go to Brownie camp, it was so long i couldnt brush it myself!

Oh and as for your question, yes it hurt lol

Pol x