Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Who the **** is Isobel?????????

Granma Pixie has been perplexed. Granma Pixie has had her bloomers in a twist and why - well I have a cousin who has taken it upon himself to be the deliverer and picker up of Christmas gifts and this year he has turned into a compulsive liar and didn't turn up when he said he would. The reason for Granma's panic and dilemma is "Isobels present".

Now I had to have the conversation. Granma who is Isobel? Well remember your dead Aunty Elsies dead husbands brother who is also dead well Isobel was his consort/girl friend/bit on the side. Mmmmm Granma have you ever met Isobel? - no Pixie pet I have not, then why do you buy her a present? - well she buys me one pet - BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THIS WOMAN IS..................... I give up.

Then we had the crisis of Aunty Betty (Granma Pixies sister) who is in near hysterics because their second cousin Pauline has sent a card that looks like a Cemetry apparently. Now Granma had the same card and to me it looked like the Old Curiosity Shop but what do I know.

Talking about cards I also get handed every year three cards that are sent to Granmas - love from Young Joan (obviously there is an older Joan) some husband and a dog, another from Sandra and family and one from Maureen, David, some son, sons wife and their children.

Again I had to ask the question - who are these people and why do they send me a card to your house every year ??? - Third cousins five times removed and Granma writes cards on my behalf.

I am going to go in a corner to scream.

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