Friday 25 April 2008

50 inch telly and surround sound!!!!

Mr P likes them big - tellys that is and after a huge argument in Fenwicks last leave he got his way and this monster of a thing was delivered when he was off shore. Think he was more excited about coming home to the TV than me - mmm. However, when it arrived I did cry - ridiculous I know but it just looked too big. Soon changed my mind when I watched Elizabeth 1 on it (sucker for anything historical) so I came up with the idea of surround sound.

This was delivered Wednesday morning. The TV broke Wednesday night. Well not break exactly I think too many buttons were being pressed from different remotes and that was that, no telly, no signal no sound just a couple of idiots pressing, banging and thumping at various remotes.

Of course it takes someone under the age of 30 to be able to understand such technology - having sat looking at a blank screen for a day and a half child of Pixie's boyfriend walked in and I kid you not within seconds we were up and running.

We now have two lists on the back of a brown paper envelope - one with instructions to turn on tell and one with instruction to operate surround sound. Who needs A levels eh?

Silly Pixie x


Tamara said...

Hehehe... cool blog. My granddad's 82 but is still keen on the latest technology, so I'm always writing instructions down for him or drawing pictures of the offending appliance with 'push this button to turn on' and the like in colour-coordinated keys along the side. Lots of fun for me and seems to work for him. All my friends are super-impressed with his proficiency on his laptop!

Polgara said...

We have a 42" and surround sound and like you i thought it was too big but it's amazing how quickly you get used to it!
Of course i was won over by the fact that putting it on the wall meant we could fit another sofa in and now 4 people can sit down comfortably in the lounge! (its not the biggest house lol)
Pol x

Haylzc5 said...

I hear ya! We just got a 42 inch and surround sound and he thinks its the best thing since sliced bread! Now he stays home to watch the match instead of the pub! haha

Maxine Perella said...

haha, lets hear it for the kids. bless 'em, they are good for something, then.

and what about chelsea kicking fergie's boys where it hurts, hey? c'mon - bring it on!!

Elise said...

Hell no Maxxo!

Come on United! (not that I support them, I just don't like Chelsea)

Boys love technology. They seem to lapse into secret language and get all excited. I don't care. As long as it works xx

Polgara said...

Where are ya Pix?
Hope you're ok and your absence is just because Mr P is home *nudge wink*
Pol x

The Mighty Beluga said...

ah, did your telly make all the characters in the movie really stretched out? at first i thought it was just my vision and panicked :/