Monday, 12 November 2007

Baby its cold outside...........

Menopausal Pixies need to leave windows wide open because Mother Nature likes a laugh, she likes to turn Pixies into burning embers in the middle of the night, she likes to create rivulets to trickle gently down your back, she likes to make you so restless that soon the average menopausal pixie turns into an Eygptian Mummy and becomes so entangled in the cotton sheets (it has to be cotton) that Houdini would have a problem.

Windows open in Summer good. Windows open in late Autumn bad. Mr Pixie has a problem.

His objection is that he has to crack the ice on his glass of water before drinking, he has to wear thermals and run the risk of the 10 year old hot water bottle eventually springing a leak.

Hey ho.

He is off to Trinidad tomorrow for 8 weeks - windows will be wide open - bring it on.

1 comment:

Polgara said...

I remember my mum going through it, all she said for a long time was "Is it me or is it hot in here?"
Hope you feel better soon.....