Thursday 15 November 2007

Chips Made by Elvis

I am a "game of two halves" husband went off to sea on Monday and I am having an Indian Head Massage on Saturday - why - cos I can. I also had cheese patty and chips last night from "Erics" (local chip shop that has wall to wall Elvis pictures all over the place, in fact I think Eric is Elvis) - why - cos I can. I slept in the middle of the bed last night - lush - I didn't do the dishes until this morning - marvellous.

Of course the euphoria only lasts about 8 to 9 days then I start to miss him - but I haven't reached that stage yet.

Apart from the excitement of the forthcoming head massage I also got my tash waxed last night. I think I reached the stage that you could platt it and put beads in it, it was that overgrown - I also asked her to do my chin by she refused (she being the lovely girl that comes to your house and inflicts torture for a fiver - bargain) - apparently if you start with that you soon become the bearded lady/pixie.



Polgara said...

Am almost jealous! My husband NEVER goes anywhere!, not even down the pub with a mate, of course thats because he moved in with me and his mates live miles away but how much would i give for the house to myself for a few hours.....

Pixie said...

All my friends say exactly the same. It has its downside though especially when he has just gone out the door, the washing machine breaks and the repair man can only come during the day when I am at work but apart from that, yes its a great. Anyway you have only been married a wee while Mrs Pizza x

Summer said...

Hi Pixie. Thanks for stopping by my blog. A class ring is sort of a right of passage for high school students. It reflects your accomplishment of finishing school after spending all of your young life learning. When I was in high school, when boys would ask girls to go steady, they would give the girl their ring to wear on a chain around their neck.

BTW...lucky you to have your house all to yourself!

Pixie said...

Hey Summer when I lived in Scotland we had the same sort of thing only it was a paper fastener, you put it on your school blazer and if you were going out with someone you would have your pin crossed at the back -cheap or what!

Thanks for checking out my blog.

The Mighty Beluga said...

a paper fastener! that's a sign of true love. well, i don't have a husband, but i do enjoy the times when my parents are out and i have the house to myself :)