Thursday, 22 November 2007

Can I do it??

At the moment you could easily platt the hair on this Pixies legs....can I do it? Can I wait until the Beautician (woman in black) has a spare five minutes to whip them off (hot wax) mmm money is on the razor.

I can see it now - relaxing in a lovely hot bath, the aforementioned hair floating like wafts of seaweed amongst the bubbles - hand reaches out for the Palmolive and grabs the razor instead - and thats it in 2 seconds flat all my effort trying to grow the hairs on my legs long enough to get waxed and be hair free for hopefully at least 3 weeks gone - !!

Also whilst writing can I please complain about sniffers - and I don't want to be sexist here but its normally a man - this morning on the train into work I was surrounded started with a sniff, then a bigger sniff and then a swallow - gross - what has happened to nice hankies, the one your Aunty always gave you with your initials on - ???????


Polgara said...

The question is how long till the beautician can fit you in??

Haylzc5 said...

Sniffers ARGH, i hate them too! My boss comes in every day like that, i once offered him a tissue to give him the hint and he still didnt get it!!!


It's vile!! I feel your pain!!

Hayley x

Maxine Perella said...

err, i've just bought my dad some hankies for christmas with fungus the bogeyman on them...

Pixie said...

Update - hair still on legs. I haven't even made an appointment with Beautician yet - I just want to see how far I can push myself on this one!!!

Hairs are now sticking out of tights - YUCK X