Friday, 22 February 2008

I've been tagged??????

1: Name three things about yourself you would like to improve:

a) Within 1 Year

My negativity - oh boy do I have a problem with that sometimes

b) Within 5 Years

I would like to work on the positive new me and make the most of what I have

c) Within 10 years

Oh 10 years is way to far ahead x

2. Name Something you would like to achieve In:-

(a) Within 1 year

My own business up and running

(b) Within 5 years

Be earning enough money to work 3 days and shop 2 days a week

(c) Within 10 years

No money worries and no job

3: Name something you would like to help achieve for somebody else:

I would like to make Mr P feel secure

4: Name one place you haven’t been, but you’d like to go:

New York

5: Name one person you haven’t met, but would like to meet:


6: Name three material things you would like:

The Maxmara coat that looks like it is pretending to be a teddy bear its gorgeous and expensive.

A Canon 1DS Mark lll

Red mini cooper with a Pixie on the side


ArcticFox said...

Twiggy?? Twiggy??? What the......?


Pixie said...

Yes TWIGGY - I would love to have a right good chat about the 60's, the Beatles, Biba, London etc etc - its a girly thing - obviously!!!!