Monday 4 February 2008

Poorly Pixie and whats wrong with bees?

Too much rich food I think - blame Mr P, anyway am back and full of hell as per usual.

It has been suggested that we change our large rug in the living room as it was not one of our best ideas (it has cashmere in it - not a lot - but enough) to continually shed all over the place. So with that in mind I thought why not go the whole hog change the colour and redecorate at the same time.

Well I am not one for convention and I got really really excited when I discovered a paper with cool gold bees on it - just for one wall mind but I thought it would be a feature. When the swatches arrived on Friday night I could not contain myself - Mr P "if you think we are having f*****g cochroaches on the wall you can ****** think again. They're not cochroaches was my feable reply but I have to say I think he had a point. So my bubble has burst and this little Pixie will not be having bees/cochraoches on her wall, although he did make the mistake of saying that I could have anything else - he'll regret it x


Polgara said...

How cool, i'd love to be redecorating, we're just about to start painting but within the theme thats already there to cover age and builders mess!

Maxine Perella said...

that's alright. say you want slugs instead ...

Elise said...

I'm sure he will regret it if you think hard enough about it.

Welcome back Pixie. I've missed you.
